+357 70070035

Laparoscopic Gastric Sleeve Plication Surgery

Laparoscopic Gastric Sleeve Plication Surgery


What is Gastric Sleeve Plication?

Gastric Plication, also known as Gastric Sleeve Plication, is the latest technology available in bariatric surgery and is an alternative to Gastric Sleeve surgery. Unlike most other bariatric procedures. Gastric Plication does NOT involve any cutting of the stomach!

The procedure can best be understood as a version of the more popular Gastric Sleeve or Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery where a sleeve is created by suturing rather than removing stomach tissue thus preserving its natural nutrient absorption capabilities.




Laparoscopic Gastric Plication is founded on the methodology of a gastric bypass sleeve procedure. A gastric plication is performed via a laparoscope (a flexible fiber optic medical instrument) inserted through small incisions made in the abdomen. The laparoscope has a tiny camera affixed to the end which transmits video images the surgeon views throughout the procedure. 

Unlike the sleeve Gastrectomy, a gastric plication does not involve removal of gastrointestinal tissue.  Laparoscopic gastric plication surgery is a restrictive procedure that shrinks the size of the stomach by making large folds in the stomach’s lining, thereby reducing the stomach size by about 75%.

The procedure typically takes between 40 minutes and 2 hours to complete.



Before traveling to Cyprus, as part of your Gastric Sleeve Plication surgery preparation you will complete a detailed bariatric specific questionnaire, which will allow our doctors to determine your eligibility for Gastric Sleeve Plication surgery. If you are not ready to make lifestyle changes, you will not be considered eligible for the procedure.

To help you adjust to your new lifestyle, we advise you to empty your home of all edible “temptations”, creating a suitable environment for your return, post operatively.

Ten days prior to your arrival in Cyprus, you will receive all the necessary pre operative instructions, to prepare yourself both physically and mentally for your chosen procedure.

After hospital admission, you will receive psychological advice. This will help you adhere to a healthier lifestyle. Without changing your lifestyle, the surgery will not be a success. You will also receive nutritional counseling before (and after) your surgery, by our specialists.


The Gastric Sleeve Plication Surgery Advantages

While Gastric Sleeve Plication surgery is still in the investigational stage, most researchers studying the procedure report positive short-term results that are comparable to other better established procedures.

Short-term percentage of excess weight lost ranges from 30 to 55% (lower than gastric sleeve or gastric bypass; comparable to lap band), and comparable improvement to obesity-related health problems including Type 2 diabetes. Other advantages include:

  • Gastric Sleeve Plication is performed in ambulatory care and requires only two nights hospital stay
  • Possibilities of leaks or bleeding at the staple line are eliminated
  • Reduced risk of complications compared with other bariatric procedures
  • Does not cause food intolerance
  • No restrictions in food types
  • Eradication of “dumping syndrome”, mild to severe symptoms that occur when undigested stomach contents enter the small intestine too rapidly, which may develop after surgical removal of gastrointestinal tissue.
  • Weight loss at 6 to 12 months is comparable to gastric sleeve surgery
  • Reversible procedure with suture removal.


Following surgery, most patients make a full recovery within one month.

Gastric Plication is a restrictive procedure. It greatly reduces the size of your stomach and limits the amount of food that can be eaten at one time.  It does not cause decreased absorption of nutrients however, or bypass your intestines. After eating a small amount of food, you will feel full very quickly and continue to feel full for several hours. Gastric plication may also cause a decrease in appetite.

Daily light exercise such as walking should begin about one month after surgery.



Following your recovery diet you will slowly begin to introduce new foods in increasing quantities until about 6 months after surgery when your new bariatric diet will be in full swing. All weight loss surgery procedures require a complete change in diet for your procedure to continue to be effective and gastric plication is no different.

Assuming you follow the diet and exercise guidelines of our surgical team, all indications are that weight loss and health improvement following gastric plication surgery may be permanent. However, as with gastric sleeve surgery, some patients are likely to experience weight regain as a result of your stomach stretching over time.

Post-Surgery Nutrition

After surgery, you will need a new nutrition plan. Our surgeon and/or dietitian can help you learn about and get used to the changes in lifestyle and eating habits you need to make. It is very important to follow the eating and drinking instructions beginning immediately after the operation.

In the first few weeks after your surgery, you will be on a liquid diet since only thin liquids will be tolerated by your stomach at that time. As you heal, you will gradually progress to pureed foods (three to four weeks post-op) and then soft foods (five weeks post-op). Finally, you will be able to eat solid foods.

When you are at the stage to eat solid foods without problems, you will need to pay close attention to your diet.

You will also need to learn to eat slowly and chew your food very thoroughly.

It is recommended that you eat only three small meals a day and make sure that these meals contain adequate nutrients. Foods that have a concentrated supply of calories with little nutritional value, such as milkshakes, syrups, jam, and pastries, should be avoided as much as possible.

Exercise Plan

Exercise is very important and incorporating regular physical activity into your daily routine is as important as following your nutrition plan.

Often Weight Loss Surgery patients have been inactive due to decreased activity tolerance, psychological constraints and in some cases, physical disabilities.

Depending on your fitness level, our bariatric surgeon may approve increased activity (more than just walking) after 30 days. This may include swimming and low-impact aerobic exercise. For many patients, water aerobics can be a wonderful option. It is easy on the back, hips, knees, and ankles, and is very good cardiovascular exercise. It is worthwhile to investigate gym memberships at facilities that have a pool. Regardless of the exercise your doctor recommends, he will still likely ask you to stay at a low aerobic level.